Monday, November 20, 2006

Glamour DVD reviewed at the Strobist

Don's DVD was just reviewed over at Strobist. BTW, if you haven't been visiting Strobist, you have some catching up to do. Go there. Go there now. (Don is the designer of our website, a blogger, and a frequent contributor to this blog.)
Strobist: "But that's not the point. The main takeaways from the DVD are (a) that you can do some very Hollywood-looking stuff right out of the electrical aisle at Home Depot, and (b) that foam core, properly placed, can work lighting magic.

He gives seminars out in sunny (but beautifully fill-lit) Arizona, and these lessons are taken right from those seminars. For people looking to move into the glam lighting scene, the principles are sound to teach you to create that beautiful, wraparound lighting that can pay the bills."

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