Sunday, September 10, 2006

Risking death...

or at least a severe cold... photographers will do what it takes to make images this stunning. You absolutely must check Chromasia's Photo Blog as often as possible.
c h r o m a s i a / photoblog / wyre wreck #9
We checked the tide times on Paul's web-enabled phone, and confirmed that high tide was 11.36pm. So, almost high tide, but we were getting our feet wet. We decided to climb aboard one of the boats I'd photographed before – wyre wreck #5 – and wait until the tide receded. We took a few shots and noticed that the tide was still rising – it was now about a foot deep around the boat. We pondered for a while, and it got deeper. At this point it was beginning to look as though we were stuck on the boat for a while.

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